As camera technology is advancing, the mirrorless vs DSLR camera debate is also becoming more about preference. This blog will shed light on the key difference between these two to answer the most vital question – which one is the best for you? So, read on to get its answer.

Are you planning to buy a brand-new camera? If yes, the first step you need to settle for is the choice between a mirrorless vs DSLR camera. In this blog, we have rounded up the difference between the two in order to settle the mirrorless vs DSLR debate. For many years DSLR cameras have been the first choice for professional photography. However, these days, mirrorless cameras are becoming an increasingly popular choice.

There is a difference between the image quality and technological advancement between these two. In this blog, we have pulled out the mirrorless vs DSLR camera differences by analysing the pros and cons of both these.

“It’s not enough to just own a camera. Everyone owns a camera. To be a photographer, you must understand, appreciate, and harness the power you hold!”

Photography Quotes By  Mark Denman

What is a DSLR Camera? How Does It Work?

A DSLR camera stands for a digital single-lens reflex camera. In it, the main important parts are the lens, mirror, shutter, camera sensor, prism, and viewfinder. Let’s see how the DSLR camera works through the below diagram.

  • First of all, the light enters through the lens, and it bounces off the mirror.
  • After it, the light goes through a special prism and beams through the viewfinder.
  • Then, it goes into your eye.
  • Now, whenever you press the shutter button, its mirror flips up.
  • And it exposes the camera’s sensor to light.
  • Incautiously, the viewfinder blackens, and the camera’s shutter moves to take your photograph.

Of course, the DSLR camera works quite smoothly, but it has a fundamental issue. Its mirror takes up a lot of space. Hold a DSLR camera in your hand, and you will realise how bulky it is. Its weight is not a big issue for a few photographers but for those photographers who shoot the whole day, travel a lot, and prefer to hold a small and lightweight package; a DSLR camera is not the right choice.

Here is where mirrorless cameras come into the picture.

What is a Mirrorless Camera?

A mirrorless camera is just like a DSLR camera. However, the basic difference between a mirrorless DSLR camera is that it does not include a mirror. Let us understand how a mirrorless camera works.

  • First, lights enter into the lens. However, it does not bounce off the mirror and to a viewfinder.
  • Instead of it, the light straightforwardly goes into the sensor.
  • After that, the sensor is digitally projected onto the rear LCD and electronic viewfinder.
  • Now, whenever you press the shutter button, the sensor will record data, and you will get the photo.

As mirrorless cameras do not have mirrors, they are smaller than DSLR cameras. There are various types of mirrorless cameras available on the market, such as mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses, single in-built lenses, etc. In fact, if you have a smartphone, you already own a mirrorless camera. All smartphones contain mirrorless cameras.

In the next section, we will learn about some pros and cons of DSLR and mirrorless cameras in brief. And after that, we will discuss the key differences between the two based on some common factors.

Pros And Cons Of DSLR Camera

Impressive battery life  Bulky in size
Autofocus is faster compared to a mirrorless camera.  The shooting speed is slow.
Large lens selection  You can get HD or 4K video only for higher-end models.

Pros And Cons Of Mirrorless Camera

Lightweight and compactBattery life is not impressive
No mirror, so there will be no camera shakeThere are limitations in lens selection.
It comes with built-in body stabilization.The electronic viewfinder will sometimes become limited in a low environment.
You can use the electronic viewfinder in video mode. 

Mirrorless Vs. DSLR Quick Comparison

Here is a quick comparison of mirrorless DSLR cameras based on a few common factors.


A mirrorless camera is compact, light in weight, and portable. On the flip side, the DSLR camera is large and heavy in size. Therefore, it is not suitable for people who frequently travel for shoots.

Battery Life

When it comes to battery life, the mirrorless camera offers shorter battery life as compared to DSLR cameras. The mirrorless camera’s electronic viewfinder needs battery power, and that’s why it is not the ideal pick if you want to go for long shoot days. The mirrorless camera’s battery life is shorter as compared to the DSLR camera’s battery life.

Shoot Speed

Both mirrorless and DSLR cameras can take photos at a fast speed. However, a mirrorless camera’s simple internal mechanics let it shoot fast as compared to DSLRs whenever there is continuous shooting.


Both cameras are expensive. However, in DSLR cameras, there are more accessories available. Therefore, a budget DSLR camera can provide the fresher photographer with more value as compared to a mirrorless camera.


There are limitations in the library of accessories like lenses when it comes to a mirrorless camera. However, in DSLR cameras, you will get a wide range of options for interchangeable lenses.

Image Stabilization

There is no mirror in a mirrorless camera, so there will be more image stabilization. As there are fewer moving parts in a mirrorless camera, you will get quieter and more stabilized photos.

Autofocus System

The autofocus system in the mirrorless camera makes use of the contrast-detection instead of phase detection. It means a mirrorless camera cannot measure the accurate distance between the lens and the object, just like a DSLR can.

Sensor Size

DSLR camera contains a bigger sensor size as compared to a mirrorless camera. That’s why the mirrorless camera is not ideal for shooting when there is low light.

Exposure And Contrast

When you use a mirrorless camera, you can preview the contrast and exposure setting on the screen before taking photos. However, the DSLR camera comes with an optical viewfinder. So users can see through the lens in real time. However, if you are using a DSLR camera, after taking photos, you need to examine it and ensure that the exposure is correct.

Who Is The Winner?

Size And Weight Yes
Image PreviewYesYes
Image Stabilization Yes
Video Quality Yes
Image QualityYesYes
Battery LifeYes 
Shooting Speed Yes

Final Takeaway – Mirrorless DSLR Camera

In a nutshell, the fundamental truth about mirrorless vs DSLR cameras is both have their own advantages and disadvantages. There is no one is better than the other. Mirrorless cameras provide you with live exposure simulation, silent shooting, and pocket-friendly size. However, DSLR cameras offer excellent battery life and outstanding optical viewfinders.

In short, if your preference is smaller size and silent shooting, go for a mirrorless camera. However, if you love the long battery life and top-notch clarity of an optical viewfinder, choose a DSLR camera.

Now, it is up to you.

Which one are you planning to buy, a mirrorless or a DSLR camera? Why? Share your views in the comment section below.


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