Shreya Narayan, the talented Bollywood actress and great-granddaughter of India’s first President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, is embarking on a new endeavour in the entertainment industry. She is set to mesmerise audiences with her performance in the captivating short film, “Part-Time Job.” Directed by veteran journalist Piyush Pandey, this 21-minute film takes viewers on a thrilling and mysterious ride.

Shreya Narayan, known for her roles in acclaimed films like “Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster,” “Rockstar,” “Super Nani,” and “Yara,” brings her acting prowess to the forefront once again. Her previous film, “Murder at Koh E Fiza,” released on an OTT platform last year. Now, she takes on the lead role in “Part-Time Job,” which promises to captivate audiences with its unique storyline.

“Part-Time Job” tells the tale of a ten-year-old child who feels neglected amidst the hectic lives of parents working part-time jobs to make ends meet. The film delves into a world filled with suspense and mystery, offering a fresh perspective on social drama. Shreya Narayan expresses her enthusiasm for the project, emphasizing that the film’s subject has never been explored before.

The film is written and directed by Piyush Pandey, who has been in the limelight for his biography of actor Manoj Bajpayee. Piyush has an impressive background, having served as the associate director for the film “Blue Mountains” and contributed dialogue writing for the TV serial “Maharaj Ki Jai Ho” on Star Plus. With “Part-Time Job,” he aims to deliver a powerful message to today’s families while infusing elements of suspense and thriller.

Alongside Shreya Narayan, Hemant Mahaur plays a significant role in “Part-Time Job.” Hemant, known for his appearances in the web series “Dr. Arora” on Sony TV, believes that this sensitive role will compel viewers to contemplate their approach to parenting.

The film also showcases the talent of Master Pravar Pandey, who portrays the 10-year-old character Aditya. In addition to his acting skills, Pravar is the Under-13 table tennis champion from Ghaziabad, adding authenticity to his portrayal of a table tennis player in the film. “Part-Time Job” promises to be a thought-provoking cinematic experience.

Produced by Rajesh Jain and Navin Kishore, “Part-Time Job” will premiere on the popular digital platform, The Short Cuts, on June 7th. After its initial release, the film will be available on various major OTT platforms, allowing a wider audience to enjoy this gripping short film.

Experience the suspense and mystery of “Part-Time Job,” as Shreya Narayan and the talented cast take you on a journey that will leave you pondering the intricacies of family dynamics and childhood experiences.


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